Many people sell and buy at the same time so coordinating a sale and purchase involves knitting the two transactions together so they complete on the same date. This creates a transaction chain. Flexibility, a considerate attitude and great negotiating skills are what you need to deal with being part of a chain.
At Land & Property Conveyancing Melbourne we are positive that you will be delighted with how we project manage your real estate sale.
We manage the following process to finalise your sale transaction:
- Discuss and prepare the section 32 and contract of sale
- Once sold we contact your bank to arrange discharge of your mortgage
- Where possible we forward section 27 statement to purchaser’s representative to secure early release of the deposit for you
- Receive and check transfer of land documentation
- Ensure all adjustments for rates and charges have been calculated correctly
- Arrange settlement
- Attend settlement on your behalf, and arrange for payment of the proceeds of sale in accordance with your directions
- Preparation of notice of disposition and forward to council and appropriate authorities to advise of change of ownership
- Provide you with statement of settlement figures for your records